An Open Letter to the Universe


Dear Universe,

I write to you on the first day of a new year and a new decade. When I glance back over my shoulder at 2019, all I can say is: ‘’what was that?’’

In what seemed like a whirlwind, I am surprised that I managed to pack in so many experiences, challenges, and life defining moments. So it seems that the purpose of last year was a time to reflect, re-evaluate, tidy up and prepare to move forward. I get it!

I must say Universe; you certainly do have a sense of humour. The only problem is that I haven’t always found it funny. On the contrary, you have often left me bewildered by your choices, and angered with the way you show me things and then tell me that I can’t have them.

But I accept that you have always had my best interest at heart, so I bear no hard feelings. I for one do not wish to throw myself in front of the karma bus. So I take this opportunity to acknowledge your good work and express my gratitude for all of the lessons and all of the blessings I have had in my life so far.

Rest assured that I have received all of your messages loud and clear, and even if I wasn’t aware of what you were trying to tell me at the time, I think I get it now. I have done a lot of work to become more aware and more conscious.

Universe, it’s now time to draw a line in the sand. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful; I am extremely grateful for what has been a great life so far, but I haven’t quite reached my potential have I? You have intentionally kept moving the goal post, so that each time I think I have finally arrived, I find that the rules have changed. I know now that all of this was to make me grow and to make me a better person. I have no regrets; it was all part of my story. Obviously I wasn’t quite ready until now.

Until now, I have been guided by you, but now it’s my turn to do the talking, and I really want you to listen. Its time I tell you what I want.

The lessons so far have brought me here, and I know it is all for good reason. So from here, this now becomes my platform, the base for everything that comes next. I am not looking back, only forward… but in looking forward, it is only for the purpose of having a vision; I know how important it is to stay in the present. I am well aware that life cannot be measured as a straight line, but rather is made up of a series of dots which together make up the diagram of life.

What I want is to be shown the path which leads me to fulfilling my purpose. I don’t think my purpose is a destination as such, perhaps it is more about the things I need to do everyday…. I can’t see a time where everything is done and I get to sit back and admire the view. I believe my purpose needs to be worked at every single day and by being grateful for every single step along the way, I won’t need to wait to experience the rewards, the rewards will come every day, along the way.

So Universe, what I am looking for is alignment; alignment to the things that are best for me, the things I deserve, the things I am worthy of. I am not willing to lower my frequency; the things and the people who are meant to be on my journey will be sitting their alongside me on my wavelength. Help me to recognise these when I encounter them and to make the most of these encounters.

This is my time; I hope you agree. I have been patient. I have recognised the signs you put out in front of me. I have agreed to deviate off course so I could learn the lessons properly. I’m not saying that I don’t have a lot more to learn, but I promise I will be more compliant and aware so we don’t have to repeat the same boring lessons again. I get it! I got it!

Please bring me into alignment and on the path to realising my fullest potential and being the best person I can possibly be; firstly, to myself, then to my family and to all of those I encounter on my path; particularly those who take the time to connect and nourish my soul.

Universe, thank you for showing me that in the absence of fear I can accomplish great things. I am responsible for my own happiness and the only person I am accountable to is me. I know, it took me a long time to get here…

I am here now, ready for what you throw my way next. My co-ordination is not great, so I can’t promise I will always catch it the first time, but what I lack in physical skill, I make up for in creativity.

Universe, I hope you understand that from now on I’m going to be a little more demanding. Just putting it out there so the both of us are under no illusion as to where we stand. I’m calling the shots now, you’ve had your turn, now it’s mine.

Kind Regards,Pina

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